
Microsoft Expects Less Revenue Due to Coronavirus

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Microsoft has announced that information technology would non hit the expected earnings projected for the tertiary quarter of financial year 2020 in the personal calculating segment (sales of Windows licenses and Surface devices) due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Other divisions of the company are not likely to be affected.

"Although we run across strong Windows demand in line with our expectations, the supply chain is returning to normal operations at a slower pace than anticipated at the fourth dimension of our Q2 earnings phone call.", reads the press release. "Every bit a result, for the third quarter of fiscal yr 2020, nosotros do non expect to run across our More Personal Calculating segment guidance equally Windows OEM and Surface are more negatively impacted than previously anticipated."

Notably, the Redmond behemothic issued quarterly revenue guidance for its personal computing segment between $ten.75 and $xi.15 billion last month for the 2d quarter of the fiscal year. The company recorded a revenue of $36.ix billion along with $11.6 net income.

Microsoft has taken several preventive measures to ensure the safety and wellness of its employees. The visitor said that it is working closely with global health government to provide donations and relief measures.

In case you lot're wondering, Microsoft is not the only major tech visitor afflicted by coronavirus. Last calendar week, Apple did a like annunciation stating that it would miss the revenue forecast as demand for its products within China got affected.

As per the information provided by the interactive map developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University's Centre for Systems Science and Technology, at that place are over 82,164 confirmed cases of coronavirus that led to 2,801 deaths then far.


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