
Can Plastic Playground Pieces Be Repaired

Elvis from the customer services section here – I say 'department', the client services team is pretty much me! We take had a lot of questions lately about fixing bent miniatures. Unfortunately sometimes in the manufacturing procedure, thin parts of minis (like guns or spears can become bent). However, all is non lost considering eesin and PVC will curve when heated, so y'all tin put them back into the correct shape. This is very quick and easy in one case y'all know how to do it. All you volition need is a bowl of hot water, a bowl of cold water, a grabbing musical instrument (I utilise a fork – hopefully a make clean one without my Pot Noodles on), and a kitchen towel or some tissue.

You will demand to exist conscientious as you will be using humid water. My advice if you are of young historic period or impuissant (like me) is to get a responsible adult to help yous. Ronnie, for instance, does non count as a responsible developed.

Beginning, boil the kettle and stop information technology merely before the water boils (just before it starts rumbling and moving). Fill one of the bowls with hot water from the kettle, and the other with common cold water. Then, catch the model that needs correcting. If this is simply a weapon you tin dip information technology into the h2o, keeping concord of the bottom of the miniature.

If this is a larger piece you will want to submerge the model into the water fully. Don't driblet it, equally this might splash boiling water on you! And we don't desire any compensation claims subsequently y'all've read this weblog. Exit the miniature in the h2o for between 30 secs to a minute (my advice is for the full minute as it needs to heat to the core). Basically, call up that the thicker the miniature is, the longer information technology'll take for it to become bendy.

When you're ready, reach for your grabbing instrument and fish out the model – beingness careful non to touch the h2o. Drop information technology on a kitchen towel or tissue to soak up the backlog liquid. The model will now exist pliable and tin exist straightened or bent as needed. This can be done multiple times until yous get the desired effect.

If you need to get something flat, hold it confronting a flat surface like a table, and pushing down slightly. Afterwards you take the desired shape, dip the model in the bowl of cold water. This will prepare it to this new shape. Dry it off once more and your model will exist ready for priming and painting! Hooray!

You can utilize this procedure not only to correct bent components, but also to improve the fit between two pieces – if you press them together while they are warm. It can even be used to reposition the whole model to give it a completely different wait – like Rob's Nameless Goliath (beneath, left). Why not requite it a try yourself?

Of course, if your miniature is still completely bent even later on trying this method, and so contact the customer services 'section' at back

Can Plastic Playground Pieces Be Repaired,


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