
How To Repair Vinyl Siding

These easy repairs are crucial for any homeowner with vinyl siding. You'll learn how to make a small patch and replace a console.

Keeping up with siding repairs is a guaranteed mode to prolong its longevity. And luckily, most repairs are fairly simple to make. This piece walks you through two common projects: patching and replacing panels.

If a vinyl piece has come apart from its neighbor, the solution is frequently to push it back upward until it locks in place. But if y'all need to supervene upon a vinyl panel or part of a panel, bank check your garage or basement to run into whether the installer left extra pieces for repairs. Otherwise take a sample to a siding supplier and await for a shut match.

Even if you find an exact replacement, the siding on your walls may have faded, pregnant that the new pieces will be noticeably darker. If the repair is on a highly visible portion of the business firm, you may want to remove a piece from a less-visible part of the house (perchance in the back or behind a bush-league) and use that as the patch; then install the recently bought slice at the less-visible location.

If many of the pieces are coming apart or buckling, they may have been installed with nails driven tightly; nails should exist loose so the material tin expand and contract. If that is the instance, you may need to remove the siding from an expanse and reinstall it.

Y'all'll need less than an hour to make most repairs, and the simply required abilities are simple cutting and measuring skills. Before y'all brainstorm, cheque the siding closely for farther damage to determine how big a section of siding needs to be replaced.

What You Need

  • Hammer
  • Tape measure out
  • Zipper tool
  • Flat pry bar
  • Can snips
  • Utility pocketknife
  • Caulking gun
  • Replacement siding panels
  • Butyl caulk (or gutter caulk)
  • Duct record
  • Materials for bracing a patch temporarily

How to Patch a Small Surface area

Step one: Cut Around Damage


Use a utility knife to cut around the damaged area. If possible, get out at least 2 inches of siding along the top edge of the damaged piece. Utilise a attachment tool to remove the cutout.

Stride 2: Cut a Patch


Utilise a square and a utility pocketknife to cut a patch slice that is about 4 inches wider than the area you lot cutting out. Slice off the nailing strip or upper office of the patch.

Step iii: Examination Patch


Marker and cut away the side portions of the snap-in flange. Test the patch for fit; information technology should just slip under the piece higher up once it has been snapped into place at the bottom.

Stride 4: Apply Caulk


Apply a generous dewdrop of butyl caulk all effectually the cutout. Printing the patch into place and button up to snap it in place. Use a temporary brace or duct tape to hold the patch in identify for near a day. Remove the brace or tape once the caulk has stale.

How to Supervene upon a Panel Section

Step 1: Pry Out Panel


Use a zipper tool to pry out the panel above the one you want to remove. Slip shims all forth the disassembled articulation.

Step 2: Cut Through Panel


Apply a square and a pocketknife to cut through the panel on 1 or both sides of the harm. Cut carefully so you lot do not damage the building paper underneath.

Step iii: Remove Impairment


Use a apartment pry bar to remove the nails and the damaged section of siding. Cutting a replacement panel that is 4 inches longer than the damaged section.

Step 4: Apply Caulk


Utilize generous beads of butyl (or gutter) caulk on the next siding almost i/2 inch from the edges of the cutout surface area.

Step 5: Printing in Replacement Panel


Press the replacement console into the caulk and slide it up. Press on the bottom to snap it in place.

Footstep vi: Check for Seal


Remove the shims and use a zipper tool to snap it onto the flange of the replacement panel. Press the panel into the caulk, making certain that it seals at all points.


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